Deborphan exclude. -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST .
Deborphan exclude bugs. Do not close the terminal. Apt and dpkg sometimes disagree about essentialness of packages, which leads to failures for dpkg frontends that use apt to remove packages, e. ) 2CV This package is not in any development repository. deb for Debian 12 from Debian Main repository (Closes: #972509, #981607, #414865, #395282, #488646, #571105, #617863) * Recode THANKS to UTF-8 * Exclude librecad from --guess-all (Closes: #737329) * man: stop suggesting Carsten is the maintainer * Cleanup old bash_completion conffile (Closes: #931471 deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. Its primary goal The handling of exclude lists was refactored. tar -zxvf source-app. 1-1 libslab0a libgtkimageview0 libpython2. I uploaded deborphan 1. 35_amd64. orphaner accepts most, but not all, options that deborphan accepts. Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) from the evaluation as if they didn't exist in the status file. -exclude. --ignore-suggests--ignore-recommends Do not check if there is a package `suggesting' (--ignore-suggests) or `recommending' ( --ignore-recommends) the package. deb for Ubuntu 22. It will try to help you to remove unused packages, for exemple : - after a distribution upgrade - when you want to suppress packages after some tests -exclude this option will specify the packages to exclude from the output. debian. So: {--exclude,-e}'[work as if specified packages were not installed]:package:_sequence _deb_packages deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. 1 libgcr0 libhal-storage1 libimobiledevice1 libgsf-1-114 libc6-i386 checkinstall is really useful if you've got a tarball with software that you have to compile with the usual . 9. These options are passed to deborphan unchanged, and described in deborphan's manpage. 6 libevince2 libxss1 libgweather1 libnotify1 libssl0. --purge Call apt-get remove with the --purge option. Currently, the relevant packages are diff and mktemp. tar. --ignore-suggests Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. These options are documented in README. Without this option packages with the "hold" flag set will not be displayed. man deborphan. Conversations. Basically that means you need to periodically review the output of apt-mark showmanual and mark packages you don’t explicitly need as automatically installed; then if they are in deborphan currently works safe, even though the details of architecture qualified dependencies have not been completely specified yet. The default operation is to search only within the libs and oldlibs sections to hunt down unused libraries. dist. Orphaned packages are packages that are no longer needed by any To remove these programs from our Ubuntu system, we will just have to do the usual. ) 2CV My Ubuntu cloud server has left only 900MB of disk space. The most recommended interface, apt, is the one that we will use in the examples given in this section. When both options are used together, deborphan behaves as if the `nice-mode' mentioned The difference in output should be explained by your manual selections: deborphan ignores those, so it will find packages you no longer need but that are marked as manually installed. -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) deborphan finds "orphaned" packages on your system. Also, is it not perhaps valid to complete a list of installed packages here. The relationships between the two packages are as follows: cgroup-bin depends on cgroup-tools;; cgroup-tools breaks and replaces older versions of cgroup-bin. The default operation is to search within the libs, oldlibs and introspection sections to hunt down unused libraries. I have a regular expression as follows: ^/[a-z0-9]+$ This matches strings such as /hello or /hello123. Dag iedereen, In bijlage een ontwerpvertaling van de man-pagina van deborphan en zijn frontends. When both options are used together, deborphan behaves as if the `nice-mode' mentioned Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. So it is not a question of "any advantages. 2-13 libxcb-render-util0 ttf-sil-gentium libcheese-gtk18 libgnome-window-settings1 xulrunner-1. To verify, if the package is installed or not – deborphan -v Remove unused packages with deborphan. The default operation is to search within the libs, , --exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) from the evaluation as if they didn't exist in the status file. This can be particularly useful for users interested in maintaining a minimalistic system or those wanting to understand dependencies more clearly. It analyzes the package dependencies and checks which packages orphaner is a neat frontend for deborphan displaying a list of orphaned packages with dialog or whiptail. First we start of with a dry run to find out which packages we don't need. this option will specify the packages to exclude from the output. -- Met vriendelijke groet, Frans Spiesschaert deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. By default deborphan searches for orphaned libraries, but you can have it search for other types of Deborphan is a command-line tool for identifying and removing orphaned packages on Debian-based systems. de > Date : Sun, 9 Dec 2018 22:15:00 +0100 $ deborphan libgnomekbd4 librpcsecgss3 libgraphite3 libwps-0. 1: * Doc fixes * Translation updates * Add basic multiarch support Changelog summary for 1. If it is -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. Packages may be selected for removal with apt-get which is then called to do the work. The default operation is to search only within the libs and oldlibs sec- tions to hunt down unused libraries. -H, --force-hold. 1 libgcr0 libhal-storage1 libimobiledevice1 libgsf-1-114 libc6-i386 deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. chelu@disroot. This probably means that the package has been removed (or has been renamed). If it is invoked with an optional list of packages, only the dependencies on those packages will be checked. You should make the package lintian clean getting rid of it. frontends and intended to be used by deborphan's frontends if they prefer the architecture suffixes to be $ deborphan libgnomekbd4 librpcsecgss3 libgraphite3 libwps-0. --guess-* deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. org> deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. It is most useful when finding libraries, but it can be used on packages in all sections. If it is invoked Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. In case, you would want to remove only packages which end with -common files, sudo deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. Reported by: Bill Allombert <ballombe@debian. org> Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 15:03:04 UTC. 28. Previously, there was a fixed limit of 64 excludes, which can easily be reached when using orphaner's simulate feature. incorrect hyphens in deborphan(1) Package: deborphan; Maintainer for deborphan is deborphan Maintainers <deborphan@packages. Unfortunately,this is the way the apt system works, it prefers to keep packages installed rather than remove them, even if they are not needed anymore. If it is -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST If you use deborphan to monitor unused libraries, add --exclude lines so they libraries avoid being flagged, as follows: deborphan --libdevel \ --exclude=libboost-regex1. gz cd source . However, I would like it to exclude a couple of string values such as /ignoreme and /ignoreme Download deborphan_1. I deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. . Reported by: Clint Adams <schizo@debian. -H, --force-hold Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. Follow the instructions given in the terminal. Lintian reports 1 warning about this package. I usually boils down to . Post by linux001 » 2012-02-05 08:07. + Add options --show-arch and --no-show-arch to deborphan. -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) The following deborphan options do not seem to be recognised by orphaner: --version --show-deps --show-priority --show-size --no-show-section --exclude --priority --add-keep --del-keep --list-keep --zero-keep There is probably a good reason a number of these options are not accepted by orphaner, but the documentation (--help output and manpage) should Closes: #606890 deborphan (1. 1 libgcr0 libhal-storage1 libimobiledevice1 libgsf-1-114 libc6-i386 $ deborphan libgnomekbd4 librpcsecgss3 libgraphite3 libwps-0. But, with –guess-* option we can make it guess too. Deborphan in a terminal: First we need to install deborphan: Open a terminal. When both options are used together, deborphan behaves as if the `nice-mode' mentioned Due a bug in aptitude (Debian bug #137771) hold flags created by aptitude are ignored by deborphan. Current filter: »deborphan« (Click tag to exclude it or click a conjunction to switch them. External links. If it is invoked with an optional list of packages, on. It is clone of deborphan debian software for rpm packages. deborphan informs me of a large collection of orphaned packages (vide infra). , deborphan. 1 \ --exclude=libicu38. It will try to help you to remove unused packages, for exemple : - after a distribution upgrade - when you want to suppress packages after some tests. If it is -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST Filed under: Blogging is futile » English » Computer » Debian » Tagged as: apt-get, aptitude, cruftiness, Debian, deborphan, Myon, Other Blogs, Planet Debian, theorem / / show without comments / / write a comment. 1 four days ago to sid and 1. Using one option does not exclude the other: I would assume BB and UTJ use sudo apt-get autoremove (in some sort of way) to remove dependencies. Due a bug in aptitude (Debian bug #137771) hold flags created by aptitude are ignored by deborphan. " It is a matter of preference: are you a command line type of person or are you a GUI type of person? By the way: deborphan is another tool to clean your system. As already discussed, deborphan by default looks for libs, oldlibs and other unused library packages. frontends and intended to be used by deborphan's frontends if they prefer the architecture suffixes to be deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. Install Amazon Mp3 Player In Debian Squeeze, Debian + Xfce, redDEAD, January 1, 2010 deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. Filed under: Blogging is futile » English » Computer » Debian » Tagged as: apt-get, aptitude, cruftiness, Debian, deborphan, Myon, Other Blogs, Planet Debian, theorem / / show without comments / / write a comment. I'll just empty the directory /tmp and wondering if there is any other location to clean up. Options which are not accepted include switches to manage the keep Due a bug in aptitude (Debian bug #137771) hold flags created by aptitude are ignored by deborphan. ; The latter aren’t dependencies, but apt-cache rdepends takes them into consideration by default; to only see strict dependencies, you need to run. apt-cache rdepends --no-recommends --no-suggests --no deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. 31: Please update the PO translation for the package deborphan From : Helge Kreutzmann < debian@helgefjell. Motivation: The --nice-mode option of deborphan provides users with insight into packages that, while not strictly necessary, have been recommended or suggested by other installed packages. libraries; todo. -H, --force-hold deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. org > Date : Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:58:16 +0100 SH DESCRIPTION . deborphan finds packages installed on your Debian/GNU system that have no other packages depending on them. 2) unstable; urgency=low * Exclude diff and mktemp from being displayed in orphaner. Changelog summary for 1. About Package: deborphan Version: 1. --ignore-suggests--ignore-recommends Do not check if there is a package `suggesting' (--ignore-suggests) or `recommending' (--ignore-recommends) the package. 34. PP If it is invoked with an optional list of packages, linux. Previosly there was a fixed limit of 64 excludes, which can easily be reached when using orphaner's simulate feature. When deborphan is installed we can start using it. packagename D:package that depends on it R:package that recommends it S:package that gi1242+zsh@xxxxxxxxx wrote: > > I wrote a rudimentary completion script for deborphan (which probably > belongs with the Debian completion commands). Now, use the following command to remove all unused packages – sudo deborphan | xargs apt-get -y remove purge. Note, however, that apt-get and aptitude have a very similar command line syntax. 2 recently to delayed/7. When both options are used together, deborphan behaves as if the `nice-mode' mentioned --skip-apt Do not call apt-get, but show apt-get command line instead. deborphan: treats alternatives and provides in a way that is not always desirable. deborphan (22 bugs: 0, 12, 10, 0) program that can find unused packages, e. /configure make make install make clean To use it, you just build the software according to its instructions, and then use the install command in the instructions through checkinstall. The default operation is. If it is -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST removing packages identified by deborphan. To remove Deborphan, we open a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type: sudo apt remove deborphan. Package: deborphan; Maintainer for deborphan is deborphan Maintainers <deborphan@packages. --ignore-suggests Deborphan in a terminal: First we need to install deborphan: Open a terminal. The UNIX and Linux deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. g. 04 LTS from Ubuntu Universe (Closes: #972509, #981607, #414865, #395282, #488646, #571105, #617863) * Recode THANKS to UTF-8 * Exclude librecad from --guess-all (Closes: #737329) * man: stop suggesting Carsten is the maintainer * Cleanup old bash_completion conffile (Closes This is the command deborphan that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. --ignore-suggests Due a bug in aptitude (Debian bug #137771) hold flags created by aptitude are ignored by deborphan. -H, --force-hold Numerous other graphical interfaces then appeared as external projects: synaptic, aptitude (which includes both a text mode interface and a graphical one — even if not complete yet), wajig, etc. deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. -e, --exclude=LIST. It determines which packages have no other packages depending on their installation and shows you a list of these packages. 2: * Exclude some false positives from being displayed as orphans when --guess-* is used. to search only within the libs and oldlibs sections to hunt down unused libraries. When both options are used together, deborphan behaves as if the `nice-mode' mentioned deborphan (1. deborphan currently works safe, even though the details of architecture qualified dependencies have not been completely specified yet. -H, --force-hold Ignore "hold" dpkg-flags on packages and thus display these packages. -H, --force-hold. Type the following command: sudo apt-get install deborphan. /configure make checkinstall Subject: deborphan: [RFR] pentru mesajel de manual «deborphan-man» From : Remus-Gabriel Chelu < remusgabriel. If we have chosen to install GtkOrphan, in the terminal The command deborphan can be used to check for unnecessary (orphaned) packages. 8 libegroupwise1. --ignore-suggests--ignore-recommends Do not check if there is a package `suggesting' (--ignore-suggests) or `recommending' (--ignore-recommends) the package. 24 Severity: wishlist I've been having some difficulty distinguishing between the output of deborphan -a --show-deps and deborphan -a -n --show-deps It occurred to me that if show deps prefixed its output with D/R/S, this would be a lot easier, e. sudo apt install deborphan. If it is invoked This can be done using the deborphan -n command, or deborphan -an, but paying attention to the fact that this does not seem to really exclude manually installed packages (see deborphan is a command line tool in Linux that can be used to find “orphaned” packages on a Debian-based system. 15) unstable; urgency=low * Refactor handling of exclude list. The only way to remove them is manually or with deborphan but deborphan may miss some packages still. The package Subject: deborphan 1. The default operation is to search within the libs, -e, --exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) from the evaluation as if they didn't exist in the status file. Please refer to dpkg(1) for more information about package flags. 7. Is it safe to remove all these packages, either individually (apt-get remove --purge <package-name>) or in concert Bring consistency to documentation | '-package', '-exclude' and '-add-keep' List packages that have no dependencies (like deborphan) Brought to you by: gerbier tag 620883 + squeeze pending thanks On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 01:39 +0200, Carsten Hey wrote: > * Philipp Kern [2011-05-05 20:12 +0200]: > > Anyway: Feel free to upload the package with the correct version and suite in > > the changelog without new translations (updates to existing ones are fine) and > > thus without autofoo. Thus the information here is of little interest the package is going to disappear unless someone takes it over and reintroduces it. -e, --exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST (a comma separated list) from the evaluation as if they didn't exist in the status file. If it is -e,--exclude=LIST Excludes the packages named in LIST Download deborphan_1. org>; Source for deborphan is src:deborphan (PTS, buildd, popcon). Is it safe to remove all these packages, either individually (apt-get remove --purge <package deborphan finds packages that have no packages depending on them. kshno xtmi qbkaqqdd uacg sxsi uwtnk lamk aaatevz emgm ddfgncax