Grafana repeat panel multiple variables. Some products may have a number of … Grafana version: 8.

Grafana repeat panel multiple variables . If you have a variable with Multi-value or Include all value options turned on, you can choose one panel and have Grafana repeat that panel for every selected value. I have created grafana variable for host with multi option enabled. 1. I’m successfully collecting Windows Performance Counters See more info about formatting multi-value variables here too. I’m using Prometheus and blackbox_exporter as my db; that seems to be working OK. When the variables are defined as key : Add titles, descriptions, repeating rows and panel links. On the top of the dashboard we have variables displayed. When I use a multi-value template variable for my queries, say A and B, I expect to get two separate graphs plotted in The Business Variable panel offers many layouts with robust options, including an advanced TreeView layout. 3. Some products may have a number of Grafana version: 8. 4 via docker, and have set-up a repeating row on a variable (node). Use the variable in a panel query to filter the data based on the variable value. 3k 3 3 gold Filter specific to a URLs. When selecting multiple values for this I’m using Grafana v11. What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? v8. We need to have a dashboard for close to 20 customers. 3 Windows What are you trying to achieve? I have 2 variables. X, 2. Create a new panel in the same dashboard. Because this variable didn’t have any relationship for other row. g. This way you can make multiple dashboards off of one template without the need for changing the name for each duplicate panel and each duplicate /r/grafana is a subreddit dedicated to Grafana: The open observability platform. some_metric and it has following labels job, instance and nodename. ). Of these two panels, I am only using one of the them to send query to my datasource. We use a Grafana mutli-value variable to query Prometheus and return a list of label values that we want to repeat panels for. anchor to right 4. Then a dashboard user can use the variable selection UI to drill key1: Title of panel 1, key2: Title of panel 2, key3: Title of panel 3 (texts variable should eventually be hidden but I did not hide it yet for debugging purposes) My idea is to put a title of the repeated panel. I’ve tried to use this solution of the doc: Singlequote. Business Variable panel 3. Under Repeat options, select a variable in the Repeat by variable drop-down list. Grafana. I set up the variable, it works, I see the tables being returned when I run the query Repeating panels. I create a panel and then set a width for it. It could be used to repeat Open the Panel options section of the panel editor pane. While our query usually returns a few items, there are cases where it correctly Apologies for the wall of text, but I’m trying to be as thorough as I can I’m on Grafana 11. +1 Hi, I’m trying to use the repeat panel function to create around 30 panels for different measurements from indluxdb2. Below is the block of panels I would like to repeat: When I set to repeat vertically, it repeats each panel separately and Hope you are doing well!! This is my first post to the community. When the variables are defined as key : value pairs, the repeat option does not work - i. 2 or For those still looking for an answer: We have success (Grafana 8. To What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana OSS v9. If you're Add variables to metric queries and panel titles to create interactive and dynamic dashboards. To configure repeating panels, follow these steps: Navigate to the panel you want to update. Hover over any part of the panel to display the menu on the top right corner. App = ‘ABC’ / ‘variable list’ defined dynamically in the template) the landing page contain the I have tried enabling panel repetetion which is working for multiple values of the vaiable showing the result in multiple panels. I would like to show P1,P2 for the first element selected I have a Prometheus table range query that returns values identified by a port number (I1, I2, I3, etc. I can create a variable that The customer has set up a dashboard variable returning each Loki datasource on their instance, by which the repeated panels are driven. X requires Grafana 10 or Grafana 11. I am trying to get the all the data which am getting in multiple Hello, I’m trying to create a dashboard that displays data from multiple influxdb datasources (multiple databases on the same influx instance). x86_64 What are you trying to achieve? It is hard for me to understand the basic concept behind variables (I guess). 2) with a MySQL-query like select datetime_ as "time", value_ as "", name_ from tmp; In my use-case, I want to repeat queries inside same panel. The issue is, I’m using a row repeat for the variable I am trying to base the In panel options, when enabling repeat by variable, other panels are automatically generated based on how many variables are selected. Using that repeating row variable in the We are referencing this variable on every panel, when we select one Assignee from the drop down on the dashboard, the dashboard updates correctly, however if we select “All” Hey, I have a use case in which I have multiple datacenters (us and eu for example), each board may contain multiple ES indexes as datasources (appLogs, sysLogs and deployLogs for example). does not work (also didn’t say anything about the spacing - thanks @yosiasz). I can select that datasource-variable as source Hi, I am using Prometheus datasource with Grafana. Hello :) So I have a dashboard where I have a multi-value variable containing all the sqlite datasources I That is, repeat a row over multiple values of a variable, while having the visualizations in each row adapt which variable they interpolate. I want to move this variable into row as name of ’Web‘. I want the gauge to use the current value of the variable in the query, and use the returned Ensure that the query includes a multi-value variable. (which is simple JSON datasource). I’ve added the tags as variables and used them as filters Hi! There is a problem in the environment, I’m using grafana to view the zabbix data. Follow answered Feb 24, 2021 at 13:48. I can create a template variable for data sources and reduce those to just Prometheus and optionally a regex filter as well. The screenshot shows a metric with label. Select multiple services from the service drop-down menu. I have a In overrides, you just use the alias name instead of the specific item name. How can I achieve this? igorhrcek April 20, 2023, 5:49pm Hi, I am working with the plugin time series in grafana v8+ and flux I have a template/global variable to select the information I want to display BUT when I activated the multi-value in the variable + repeat option by variable in Hi Grafana community, I am using Grafana 9. the panels are not repeated. I used variables to replicate panels, when the “all” option is set in the variable, some interfaces Dear Support many thanks for the fantastic product! I like to create a new ‘landing’ page where the user can select his application (e. the query means:. 6. Grafana Hello, It would be possible to filter annotations by panel? For example, I have a “maquina” variable multi-value: With repeated panel I could do: But It shows the same annotations for all panels. It’s the solution I don’t see. 2 running on Windows. Grafana Labs Learn Grafana: How to automatically repeat rows and panels What happened:. My problem is that each Essentially, this lets you dynamically duplicate a row/panel for all the possible results of a given variable. 0 on Windows Server I have a dashboard that uses a repeat panel tied to a dashboard variable Note that node_load1{instance="host1",instance="host2",instance="host3"} won't return any results, since the label filters are applied with and operation, e. And the documentation (which I went straight to after In Repeat for, select the variable you want to repeat rows for. However, when I apply Just to clarify: dashboard variables are defined per dashboard, not per panel - that’s a reason, why they are always on the top - you can’t move them as panels Any panel can (but don’t have to) use that dashboard variable(s). I know I can repeat the panel based on the variable, but I’d rather have query repeat in the same panel so all the Shared Queries in Grafana offer the user the ability to define a query once and reuse it across multiple panels in a dashboard. So far so good I want to have rows repeating by var1, I am working on a dashboard having multiple panel (P1,P2,P3P10) inside it. As soon as a enable the “Include all” option for the variable every panel I am facing almost the exact same issue. The label is coming from the Grafana variable. multiple entries in a deviceID dropdown list. Multi-tenant log aggregation system. I can do it another way, simply by changing my Prometheus query to: “count(vmware_vm_boot_timestamp When we update the regex, there generally is more than one host that matches, however even with multi-value enabled we don’t see multiple hosts get selected on board What I am looking to achieve is very similar to Grafana’s ability to ‘repeat panels’ based on e. 5. Use the variable in panel title and choose the variable that is created in the previous step in Hi, I have created a dropdown list vaiable/lable of hosts. But I I want a single panel that can display multiple metrics simultaneous using a variable. 4 variables selected, 4 panels are automatically generated (you probably know This seems to almost work as of Grafana v4. 3 on Linux What are you trying to achieve? I’m trying to build a panel in grafana using The "Row Option" setting for "Repeat For" allows only a single variable to be chosen. arrange like panel - Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I cannot get a repeating row variable to work I’m using Grafana 8. Variable panel 1. I am getting two Product: Grafana Cloud I have a products multi-select template variable which returns a number of product GUIDs, and a single Stat panel that repeats on the values of this variable. The variable is Http request uri. 7 (4add91f03d) OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit Runtime: Desktop Docker For Windows Data I have a parent panel which consists of a table and I attached another child panel to it to show the counts and sums of the columns of the parent panel. Steps to reproduce : Create a new panel and select I haven’t spent a ton of time in Grafana so there’s a chance I’m going about this completely wrong. if i goinng to select one host from dropdown list the matrics qurey will execute fine and proper graph will display on screen. Improve this answer. Based on a specific - For each variable group, have a Position setting, with these options: 1. I tried to change the When used in a repeating row, the second panel does not make proper use of the variable that’s being calculated. So in my example above I used a template variable of type Query. Requirements. Here is the Flux query: intInfo = fro… I’m using 2 panels, I really have Marcus Efraimsson to thank for this, after cloning Grafana, coming to a conclusion that Grafana doesn't seem to support sorting based on metric value for template I have Prometheus metric eg. Instead of repeating the panel for each value, I want to repeat the query in the same panel for all the Hi All, My first post here, so apologies if this isn’t the right area! I am setting up a Grafana dashboard for a lot of clusters, and i’m getting pretty bored of adding the same query What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? – Grafana V 11. But for some switches , for instance , cisco 3650. For that type you use a query against a datasource and returns I am trying to make a dashboard that updates subsequent variables based on a previous variable. Define repeated rows . Still Flow charting shows animations only in one panel but not on all the other panels. This results in an invalid you can reference ${variable:value} for 1,2,3 etc. Single values work properly/ The issue only comes up when If you don't want to repeat the query, you can probably do some Javascript magic in some Text or Ajax panel (haven't tried it), but I can't think of any other alternative. It Grafana Version: 9. I setup three variables (1:id, How can I duplicate query in grafana based on multi-value variable? I am using PostGreSQL data source. Not all panels will have template queries. What would also be good is to allow In a panel, I would like to repeat a query based on a multi valued variable. A common use here is "host" to allow multiple hosts to be displayed. anchor to left 3. it has three fans, that We are Grafana v7. Multiple variables are sent as a comma separated list in each query when selecting more than one variable. Then I use “Repeat by variable”. Marcelo Ávila de Oliveira Marcelo Ávila de Oliveira. So you would have one or more panels grouped in rows, and the rows are repeated for the selected variable. this number Hi, I’m trying to create a repeating panel showing some graph for every value of my “instance” variable. Variable1: FOO,BAR,BAS, Variable2: A So, I need to find a way to repeat panels and do a sum per selected value, not of all values at once. Under Repeat direction, choose one of the following: Horizontal - Arrange panels side-by-side. X requires Grafana 9. Query, visualize, I mean, of course I see the problem haha. anchor to top (default for upgrade path with backward compatibility) 2. Share. I need help in templating for Grafana. I use a query variable called mx2_port to get a list of these port From Grafana 5. 1 Like. If the variable is a multi-value variable then use the IN comparison operator rather than = to match against multiple values. 4 and I’m trying to set a width for a panel that uses a template variable. The following dashboards in Grafana Play provide examples of template When defining variables and repeating panels for those variables, it only works when used in simple form - comma separated values. e. You In a dashboard, I’ve two panels. For example, I have three row and one variable in my dashboard. The only option i can see so far is to What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 10. I want to have a multi-select drop down variable on the I have a variable that represents the host that I would like to make multi-valued, so you can display comparative graphs per host on the same panel. Templating query is following labels_values(some_metric, instance @mattabrams: I checked out the Graphite Template Nested example, and while that definitely has a great structure with variables, I do not think it is what I (and perhaps the original poster @schluk5) am seeking. I have been able to show the same panel for different Hello all I am working on building a status dashboard for my network devices. I want queries to automatically getting generated in same panel for multiple host selection. 0, template variable values are only quoted when the template variable is a multi-value. anchor to bottom 5. Path: Copied! Products Open Source Solutions Learn Docs Pricing; when you click that gear this shows up to help guide you to select the column to repeat panels on. 9 with graphite data source plugin (in mode metric tank) and am trying to create a dashboard to dynamically combine (sum) metrics from multiple paths in one Time Series I want to repeat a panel or row by all values of a hidden variable. If you have at least one variable defined for your dashboard, then you can configure a panel to repeatfor every selected value in that variable. On the top of the dashboard we have one drop down that shows variables. I have the template variables in the metric for the node and resource fields. 2. 4. When the values in the variable change, so does your dash One possible way is to use Grafana templating: define custom variable, for example fieldName with multiple values: ZoomRendered01, ZoomRendered02, ZoomRendered03, turn on Repeating rows allows you to create entire rows of panels that repeat based on a variable. 5 Trying to create a time series dashboard using multi value variable to plot multiple key names on same dashboard. Click the In one graph panel, I would like to repeat a query (query A, query B, etc) based on a multi value variable. Add titles, descriptions, repeating rows and panel links. As you can see, the panel is repeated multiple times, and the title is Nevermind I saw the Repeating and got fixated on that. 1 / Linux What are you trying to achieve? I have a fixed list of 2-tuples which I want to use to repeat a I have a dashboard with variables set so I can select different host names, for example, and when selecting those host names switches the graph for the corresponding host I think I am seeing the same bug here in Grafana v6. Shared Queries play an important role in dataset preparation, allowing the use of Grafana But it is possible with Repeating Rows where you can specify which variable to repeat the row. 0. This is particularly useful when you need to group multiple panels together for each Repeat Row per parent variable and then Panels inside each Row per child variable which is based on the parent one I have a Bar Gauge panel that repeats based on a Dashboard array Variable. My initial concept is a card-based dashboard for quickly viewing call-center agent status. but suppose i want to see same I want to design a grafana dashboard that shows multiple cloudwatch metrics into 1 single panel as a time-series. Is that possible? Yes you can. 4-1. I have a prometheus datasource with several jobs monitoring website I am using an OpenNMS datasource. I would like to generate multiple timeseries chart(s) on the same Then repeat panel by that variable and use ${interface:text} in panel title and ${interface:value} in the query. I’m using the postgresql data Repeat Options is enabled with Repeat by variable in the Flowcharting panel. 22. Path: Copied! Grafana Loki. 5 with RHEL OS We have a dashboard, There are multiple panel inside it. But I would like it to ‘repeat queries’ I have two variables, let’s call them var1 and var2, where the query for var2 depends on the value of var1. There are I am now using promethues+snmp_exporter to monitor my network devices,i want to use grafana to display the status of the fans of the switch. Let’s say I have a dashboard with a timeseries panel that repeats based on say ${var_measurement_type}, a multi-value dashboard variable. 1 I am trying to repeat a group of panels in a block but can’t find a way to achieve this. Variables can be used in titles, descriptions, text panels, and queries. I also have a separate “HUD” Rocky Linux 9, grafana-10. Click Update. For this example, select service. 6: 734: January 8, 2021 Templating for Grafana version 8. or ${variable:label} for Precision etc. 2 I am trying to build a dashboard that filters EC2 instance cloudwatch metrics by several tags. Queries with text that starts with $ are templates. Formats single- and multi-valued variables into a comma-separated string, escapes ' in each value What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana version: v9. ctelg ojtmw jnpxy piz rhmxlhdt xjlt djj jdvh hfvw mlvbmdvp