Vuetify tooltip not working. 11 Last working version: 1.
Vuetify tooltip not working. It is a wrapper around the v-tooltip component.
Vuetify tooltip not working – John'Sters. How to add icon to the Header in vuetify DataTable. Tooltip on v-for repeating element in Vuetify. 17. Actual Behavior Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 12 Browsers: Chrome 85. You can create a custom tooltip component by puttin a wrapper on this vuetify tooltip, passing all the content as props and displaying accordingly. It might have something to do with your <v-tooltip attach=". 4. The tooltip on the v-icon does not work. The content inside the tooltip is going to be rich and don't want that to automatically hide when visitor is looking into it. The v-tooltip directive is a simple way to add a tooltip to any element in your application. I have a shared component using Vuetify's v-tooltip, and it works perfectly when hovering with the mouse. title" @click="onClick"/> Environment Vuetify Version: 3. Using Vuetify tooltip (v-tooltip) component with an external activator (i. js version is 2. Follow asked Jan 8, 2022 at 17:43. bug Functionality that does not work as intended/expected C: VOverlay and removed S: triage Menus and tooltips with :model-value='true' were not in the correct position because the refs for attached element were still undefined when the watchEffect in When i open vuetify docs with the phone, that demo is working i can click every icon and effect is working. 3 Browsers: Chrome 116. 7. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. Just use close-delay prop set to (for example) 2000 (ms) so the tooltip wont disappear immediately but only after 2 seconds when you move mouse out of the icon. I'm working with vuetify 2. 3538. The first I am having difficulty displaying a tooltip on a button that is disabled with Vuetify. The classes have changed, and the display-attribute shouldn't be touched as this is how the tooltip is initially hidden. Vuetify - Show tooltip on click. By default, Vuetify tooltip's content is rendered with the pointer-events: none; CSS property. Guide. In an Android test the tooltip worked for the icon, but not for the button and text. An example in documentation also demonstrates that see here. answered Jan 28 But, in some place I want to show tooltip on hover on this component, according to vuetify docs this should work but it doesn't because <custom-component /> is not a native component. The code shows the tooltip icon but does not show anything when I hover on it. Also i added programmatic icon example to code pen , whish is showing that element wrapped in the button is showing tooltip but tapping outside gives no effect. I found this question on SO but the answer doesn't explain why deep selector is not working in this case. The Tooltip directive is an easy to use implementation of VTooltip. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. When activated, tooltips display a text label identifying an element, such as a description of its function. 13. 10 Browsers: Chrome 76. 0. add a <v-select> with some items; wrap it in a <v-tooltip> component to add a tooltip to it on hover; Expected Behavior. Tooltip on Button is working but not on input. I have created a Vue. <v-icon>myprefix-plus</v-icon><!--works, renders an icon --> <Icon>myprefix-plus</Icon Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I'm working in a Vue application with Vuetify. Install a service worker to cache the entire site locally. Vuetify: Using v-tooltip within a v-for? 1. Viewed 7k times 14 . 2. 11 Last working version: 1. answered Jan 28 The props object handed to the slot contains an onClick callback, and you need to bind it in order for selection to work: <template #item="{ item, props: { onClick } }" > <v-list-item :title="item. One of the issues I ran into was I wasn't able to get the v-hover to work with a mimicked mouseover in the test. But in a case of using icon property (which is my case) your button style will be converted to a Vuetify One Themes. Actual Behavior. Require image inside v-html in Vue. How can I fix this? Please refer to the following code: main. You can also programmatically control the display of tooltips through a v Vuetify Version: 2. I'm using button and tooltip component in my vuetify project. The v-tooltip component is useful for conveying information when a user hovers over an element. I thought this would be possible with the Vue's deep selector. 7. Expected Behavior The tooltip opens after 200ms Actual Behavior Problem to solve Tooltips are needed very often, and every time they are needed, we need to write quite a lot of code for one (according to documentation): <v-tooltip right> <template v-slot:activa. and built-in method is incomplete and it can get a bit confusing at first but I think there are enough doc to make it working Vuetify 3 I'm not sure but I'm fairly Environment Vuetify Version: 2. 1 Vue Version: 2. Keep v-tooltip open when hovering over the tooltip. v2. Dynamically create tooltip for an element. Move the v-btn into the v-tooltip's activator slot. Can also be a function that returns the content or a Promise. 5. e. If not set, a globally unique id will be used. io I'm using vuetify 2. To do so add deep: true property to your watcher. ) Important 2-Above CSS will add a pointer cursor on the disabled button but it won't trigger any click event. Using VMenu from vuetify with render function (scoped slot) 1. 75. Improve this question. 15 Componant A : <v-tooltip bottom> The v-btn should be inside the v-tooltip's activator slot, so that the component can position itself around the contents:. 132 OS: Mac OS 10. ; placement - (see above); trigger - Events triggering the tooltip Tooltip uses the CSS variables --v-theme-surface-variant for background color and --v-theme-on-surface-variant for text color. Click on the "Activate" button. Steps to reproduce. any: undefined: Apply custom properties to the content. native modifier is to be used. And to have this functionality for native component a . 6. I want my columns to be side by side from medium to xl, and for sm and below I want each column to take up the entire row (one on top Since version 3. In vuetify, how to display tooltip when button is disabled. Just add those to your color declarations: Vuetify Theme Not Working with Custom Theme. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This works, but it is not optimized: Vuetify tooltip prevent "v-if" component to reappear. 14. Vuetify: show tooltip with Inside of the v-text-field component, this should work for you: <template v-slot:append> <v-tooltip bottom> <template #activator="{on}"> <v-icon v-on="on">mdi-pencil</v-icon> </template> <v-tooltip> </template> Edit: You may not have material design icons configured with Vuetify like I do. How to use v-icon Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 1. Vuetify: show tooltip with a condition. Actual Behavior Vuetify Version: 3. 0 OS: Windows 10. The only thing that really bugs me is the activator slot needed for tooltips and menus. ; delay - Show/Hide delay, or object: { show: 500, hide: 100 } (ms). Tested on iPhone and iPad. Hot Network Questions Okay to sand wooden turners? Oven and over-range microwave not working after oven spark Why does Kubuntu The v-slot:default="{ hover }" listens for hovering over the generated element. Breakpoints not working correctly for xs in vuetify. Collectives™ on Stack Overflow. js application with Vuetify, however when I use the v-icon component the alternative text is displayed as opposed to the icon. Add padding My use case is a button which becomes disabled, but requires a tooltip to indicate why it is disabled. I'm having some unexpected behavior with breakpoints in Vuetify. I want to display tooltip only when the button is disabled and I'm looking for a solution how can I do it correctly. not wrapped) 2. You can also programmatically control the display of tooltips through a v-model . In vuetify, how I could explain myself what that means, but I consider that this video explains it a lot better I let you the time where it stars explaining the utility of v-on and attrs I am using v-tooltip to show some content when the user hover the mouse on div. When activated, tooltips display a text I am trying to use the v-tooltip in a v-for but I think my binding is incorrect, and blocking it from rendering. email) console. However, there are 4 elements (the <v-flex/> elements) that have the class of . ; html - Boolean: allow HTML tooltip content. 5. Versions and Environment Vuetify: 0. However, when I use the tap button to access a button that has the tooltip, it doesn't work. You can also programmatically control the display of tooltips through a v-model. How to make vuetify tooltip work in list? 12. When the content is hovered, v-tooltip is located at correct position. Add Colours to Vuetify Theme - Nuxt project. 140 OS: Windows 10 Steps to reproduce. Available offline. log('Old User Email: ', oldUser. Simply add a tooltip to a component (in my example it was v-btn and v-list-item) Expected The v-tooltip component is useful for conveying information when a user hovers over an element. I have created my application following the quick start guide on the Vuetify website. I've used this outside of the v-for and it works as expected: <div v-for="i How to make vuetify tooltip work in list? 2. When hovering the mouse on the select component, the tooltip should appear. I created the template based on the Vuetify documentation. Vuetify tooltip doesn't show up in the DOM. js and Vuetify Problem - To show tooltip on each dropdown item in v-autocomplete Solution - added v-tooltip component in item template Code: var app = new Vue({ el: "#app", d A tooltip is mostly to provide text clues to a component's meaning/functionality. 17 and Vuetify 2. 16 Vue Version: 3. Explore Teams. In your example, the tooltip isn't shown at the top because there isn't space for it in its container. tip-align"/> that attempts to attach the element that has a class of . Add a comment | 1 . Codepen contains both a v-badge wrapped in tooltip and one which is not. vuetify icon not showing. I continue to deal with Vuetify. Here is a working demo. Configure v-tooltip with attach, absolute, position-x, and position-y props to externally attach content to an absolute position. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? Here's the code for my tooltip component: I'm trying to pass additional style to the activator element of a v-tooltip from the parent component. not wrapped) I have a repeating avatar in a v-for block in vuetify, and would like to add a tooltip around each one with their respective names. I am trying to use the v-tooltip in a v-for but I think my binding is incorrect, and blocking it from rendering. # Location Location is set as a directive argument with the same syntax as the component’s location prop separated by a hyphen instead of a space. 102 OS: Windows 10 Steps to reproduce Hover a tooltip. Run into my fair share of issues with tooltips not working, wrapping the component with a <span> The v-tooltip component is useful for conveying information when a user hovers over an element. This post was edited and submitted for review 2 years ago and failed to reopen the post: Vuetify Version: 2. Hot Network Questions Versions and Environment Vuetify: 1. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. The reason this doesn't work is because the tooltip parent wraps the v-time-picker and prevents you from clicking through it to the clock. . 2. Expected Behavior Explanation of "on" and "attrs" properties in Vuetify tooltips on Stack Overflow. I have searched through all the previous questions, and with the new version of Vuetify, the custom themes and icons are not working for me. js? 10. then(). 3239. Vuetify - v-tooltip-Not displaying with keyboard tap button. This doesn't work because data returned in a function is not reactive. If I copy the example, i receive this error: [Vue warn]: Property or method "on" is not de The v-tooltip component is useful for conveying information when a user hovers over an element. Expected Behavior. I've been running Skip to main content. Vuetify v-menu leaves dropdown open after dialog appears. I have a shared component using Vuetify's v-tooltip, and it doesn't work I followed the vuetify documentaion here documentaion. You can also programmatically control the display of tooltips through a v-model Usage The resource you are linking to is using the 'http' protocol, which may not work when the browser is using https. disabled. The tooltip on the v-icon is active and a mouseover on the icon will show the tooltip. Activator slot redefinition in vuetify v-menu component. 4. Observe the tooltip always appears in the top left corner of the viewport, and "TypeError: ResizeObserver. So, one approach for this problem could be using a ref variable on the form and on submit, simply call the validate() method and chain its response to extract the I'm new to Vue. "vuetify": "^2. You can achieve a similar effect v-menu. 3282. 6. Reproduction Link. Problem statement : Custom down and up arrows icons are not working as expected on expand/collapse the panels manually. I am using the example from the Vuetify documentation for the tooltip into my app, but the tooltip doesn't appear when you hover over the specified element: <template v Using your mobile when you click on the buttons the tooltips never appear, except for the "Toogle" button which modify the v-tooltip model directly using @click. Requirement : As Vuetify provides default arrows icons at the end on expandable-panel-title, I The tooltip component displays textual information regarding the element it is attached to. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. If your original data array for some reason doesn't have the "show" property in each object, you have to first, add the show property to your data (for example on the created hook), then bind the v-for loop to data rather than to your method. New to Vuetify: try to and I have no idea why tooltip is not showing when I'm trying to hover over the list item. Hot Network Questions How to write fractions in the form of a/b and add alternating - and + signs between the elements of the following list? Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am using vue. Share. Expected Behavior The tooltip not working because you put the tooltip html before the javascript, so they don't know if there is a javascript for the tooltip. How do I enable it on hover like in the case of number below. 10 Browsers: Chrome 72. and is not targetable by classes passed directly on the component. However, when I build it for production and move to prod environment, custom css are not applying to my tooltip. Improve this answer. 117; asked Oct 29, 2023 at In Vuetify 3, the validate method returns the promise which can get resolved either using await or chaining the response using . Commented Mar 20, 2023 at 12:34. In your case, where you were just adding a bit of useful information to an already standing answer, the best thing to do is to edit that answer. Example: @click. 110 OS: Mac OS 10. I am unable to wrap the button in a div (for the tooltip) as it is part of a The v-tooltip component is useful for conveying information when a user hovers over an element. But I am not sure how to implement it right next to the label. Add a v-tooltip over a v-btn embedded in a v-toolbar. 121 OS: Windows 10. Show Tooltip icon next to textfield label using Vuetify. I've made sure the tooltip can be displayed when the button is enabled, this works as expected. 3. js file: import Vue fro For newer versions of Vuetify, the solution provided by @dreijntjens no longer works. 6 Steps to reproduce Create v-tooltip component, create a separate activator button. key}`]="{ column }" Took me a will to figure out why the solution is not working in my environment :) Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company When wrapping v-icon with slots, it renders a text instead of the Icon. 21 Browsers: Chrome 70. x and v-popover seems best suited for this imo. 0-rc. I think that Skip to main content. The version of v-tooltip I am using is ^2. I want to add an icon but it is not working as expected (not rendered). Display Vuetify tooltip on disabled button. I was able to replicate this issue on small screen where you need to scroll the content of the card. 10 Last working version: 0. I am using vuetify's component tooltip. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. 6 Vue: 2. Teams. It would be nice to just nest the tooltip inside the activator similar to quasar. Vuetify DarkMode colors wrong after page reload. 13 Browsers: Chrome 63. It's a late answer but maybe it can help someone else: Important 1-The title attribute will not work with the disabled elements, so, you need to use pointer-events: auto on that disabled element. How to show v-tooltip only when button is disabled. My Vue. The drop-down has checkbox and textfield Can anyone show me how to solve it so that the checkboxes work and also the tooltip shows? vue. tip-align. 14 Vue: 2. OR a simple solution would be use some external library e. Here's CSS to darken the background of the overlay and increasing the font size: I was able to replicate this issue on small screen where you need to scroll the content of the card. This is what I have so far, but it does not seem to be working. <v-tooltip right> <v-icon slot="activator" dark Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Only issue I found with this approach is that once the dialog box is closed the tooltip text pops open again. v-tooltip puts a tooltip on the wrapped component, appearing nearby without errors. If you use inspect element, you will see a tooltip div completely covering the time picker component. js; tooltip; v-tooltip; Mariam Khaled. content - HTML text to be displayed in the tooltip. See provided codepen. Vue + Element UI: How to use a dynamic tooltip in a table. Do not use an activator slot (use v-model to manually activate tooltip). Vuetify tooltip hover with link. 13 Browsers: Chrome 64. watch: { user: { handler: function (newUser, oldUser) { console. js; vuetify. How to get tooltips working with dynamic array in vuetify? 1. 2 # Tooltips . Following is my code. 3. 10 Vue Version: 2. tip-align and there might be a problem with that. v-tooltip stops working when element is disabled. classes - (see above); targetClasses - CSS classes added to the target element of the tooltip. observe: Argument 1 is not an object" errors populate your console. find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. v-tooltip and v-menu do not work with an external activator Jul 15, 2019. In the v-btn's click-handler, use the slot's on property to Environment. Commented Mar 24, 2022 at 12:33. 16 Vue: 2. 36 Browsers: Chrome 107. 7 Vue: 2. 33. 5 Vue Version: 2. The v-btn positioning/rendering shouldn't be affected by Vuetify: 1. js I'm using Vuetify and trying to keep the v-tooltip open when mouse is hovering over the "tooltip". js and vuetify. I'm trying to add a v-tooltip around a v-list-tile-avatar element with an image in it like so: <v-tooltip bottom> The tooltip not working because you put the tooltip html before the javascript, so they don't know if there is a javascript for the tooltip. String], default: 50, }, }, computed: { // I'm not 100% sure in this, but it works calculatedLeft() { const Vuejs @click event inside tooltip not working. 100 OS: Linux x86_64 Steps to reproduce. Vuetify v-data-table header customization. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. 0 Last working version: 1. 3809. Not sure how to get around this. Vuetify VTooltip trigger only on activator click. ${h. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? Here's the code for my tooltip component: Checkbox : NOK (the tooltip is working only on the checkbox itself but not on its label as I would expect) Radio button : NOK (tooltip working only on the radio circle but not on its label) Switch : NOK (working on the slider but not on its label) Slider : NOK (tooltip appears when clicking on the slider, instead of hovering) TextArea : OK Vuetify: 0. It is a wrapper around the v-tooltip component. v-tooltip doesn't show component behind it. 0 Vue Version: 3. (Reference from this answer. Try this, sorry about the confusion. ${string} like. This is how I have it right now. Vuetify Version: 2. x and I want to know how to show a tooltip for each drop-down item of v-autocomplete. 1. 0-beta. How to make vuetify tooltip work in list? 1. 4183. 13 Browsers: Firefox 58. Vuetify Menu not working: Property or method “on” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. It's been a wild but fun ride! I've come across a few problems, I'm not sure if it's a bug or it's an issue on my own. 0, vuetify changed the name of the slot header back to header. Follow edited Jan 28, 2014 at 8:56. javascript; css; vue. 0 OS: Windows 10 Steps to reproduce tooltip doesn't work mouse over it Expected Behavior working tooltip while textfield disabled Vuetify v-tooltip unable to change css (3 answers) Closed 2 years ago . My tooltip doesn't work with my Custom Component. Vuetify tooltip in data table. g. Vuejs @click event inside tooltip not working. New to Vuetify: try to add v-tooltip to a dynamic ouput. Expected v-tooltip is placed on the left of its content. Just spent 2 hours trying to make v-tooltip work =( THanks man – Bruno Lamps. 3626. Latest release . js; Share. Vuetify v-tooltip unable to change css. I wrap a Dialog in a Component and I want to add a tooltip. 3 Steps to reproduce Open the repro link Expected Behavior Button should be at the bottom right Actual Behavior Button is somewhere else The v-tooltip shows a disabled item when you hover, and the addition of events to this item will not work. 2 vue create my-app cd my-app $ vue add vuetify On iOS the tooltip only works for the button, not for the icon and text. How to conditionally display a tooltip in Vue. https://codepen. For now tooltip is v-tooltip stops working when element is disabled. Vuetify tooltip prevent "v-if" component to reappear. 8. Hot Network Questions Versions and Environment. log('New User This is what I have that does not work. 11 Browsers: Chrome 85. Tell me how you can apply a tooltip only for append-icon in a v-text-field? Now tooltip does not work for icons at all! codepen <v-tooltip bottom> < I have a shared component using Vuetify's v-tooltip, and it doesn't work I followed the vuetify documentaion here documentaion I want to implement a v-tooltip where the tooltip content is entirely vue. 0. $ vue -V @vue/cli 4. @elboukhari that is because your version of button is not an icon if you use prepend-icon property on a VBtn it will still be treated as a normal button and you must have a text inside it otherwise it doesn't look symmetric (try removing the Upload text to see what i mean). 16. native="someMethod" How can I do that to show v-tooltip. 44. You have 2 problems to solve: Tooltip hides as soon as mouse leaves the activator (the icon). content-props. Carol Carol To listen to changes for a property in an object you should add deep watcher. Vuetify trigger a tooltip. Vuetify: 1. 0 Vue Version: 2. No problem, I was just trying to guide you in the right direction. I'm trying to implement v-tooltip following the example in their documentation but I cannot make it work. v-slot:[`header. not wrapped) 3. KaelWD mentioned this issue Jul 15, 2019 [Bug Report] V-menu activator property Vuetify: 1. HTML id attribute of the tooltip overlay. 11", vuetify. Its working in development without an issue. not wrapped) I'm using button and tooltip component in my vuetify project. 0, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge OS: Windows 10. In my opinion, the script is read from the top to the bottom. Stack Overflow. I want to implement a v-tooltip where the tooltip content is entirely contained within the button element. When Use a v-simple-checkbox in a v-data-table slot or anywhere, with a tooltip. kevcvnnvvrfyvafncvlxwkmuejosgwswsxrxaumhpdefyxvcvqj